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How Can You ‘Age Gracefully’?

We have all heard that the only two things you can count on in life are death and taxes. We also know that aging is inevitable, but there are steps that everyone can take to make aging gracefully a reality.

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Tech Savvy Gifts For Caregivers And Seniors

The holidays are fast approaching and that means you may be making your shopping list and are wondering what to get the senior or caregiver in your life. From easy-to-operate computers that allow the seniors in your life to stay in touch via email or video chat to a personal medical alert device system, there […]

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Remedies To Keep Your Belly Happy

If you’ve looked at the calendar you know that the holidays are just around the corner and that can mean overeating and over-indulging in sweet and rich foods. If it’s the one time of year that you indulge your stomach may not be ready for all the delicious foods that are available this time of […]

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Safety While Away At College

When your child goes away to college, parents naturally worry. It could be the first time their child has been away from home and it’s a cause for concern for everyone. As a parent, there are many ways to keep your child safe while he or she is on campus, or even if they’re traveling […]

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November Is National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month

If you’re a caregiver who helps with an aging loved one suffering dementia or Alzheimer’s you understand it is a never-ending duty of love that you provide. During the month of November, awareness is raised through the National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month.

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November Is National Running Safety Month

Are you a runner? Do you find your running time has been impacted by the recent changes to the clock and Daylight Savings Time? If you answered yes, you know that getting out for a run while the sun is still shining is a tricky proposition simply because it gets dark so early. If you […]

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Celebrate National Family Caregivers Month

Did you know that there are more than 50 million Americans who provide care to an aging or ill family member? The value of the services they provide are estimated to be more than $300 billion annually, but the value to caring for a loved one goes beyond the monetary. Many caregivers feel the need […]

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Tips to Keep Your Kids Safe at School

Let’s face it –school is terrifying in more ways than one. As you drop your child off day after day, nervous thoughts race through your mind, aside from whether or not your kid will make friends. These thoughts are normal as it seems as though violence has only increased throughout schools as well as the […]

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Downsizing For Retirement

Have the children moved out and moved away? Then perhaps it is time for you to think about downsizing? While making a move from the long-time family home into a smaller house, condo or retirement village, that old saying “you can’t take it with you” becomes more evident.

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Halloween Safety Tips For Your Youngsters

Soon the goblins, ghosts, princesses and superheroes will be knocking at your door. If you have children you know that you will be involved in the fun of trick-or-treating as well. Along with Halloween comes the back of the mind worry that many parents have of, “how can I keep my children safe?”

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