Safety While Away At College

When your child goes away to college, parents naturally worry. It could be the first time their child has been away from home and it’s a cause for concern for everyone. As a parent, there are many ways to keep your child safe while he or she is on campus, or even if they’re traveling for a summer internship or moving somewhere to take a job.
One of the ways to provide peace of mind is through the use of a mobile app that works like a virtual escort. The Mobile Alert app by LifeFone means your child won’t have to wear or carry an emergency response pendant because chances are they are never without their mobile phone, right? If that’s the case, then LifeFone’s Mobile Alert™ app could be ideal. It works on your smartphone anywhere in the United States.
Here are other tips for on campus safety for your child:
- Walk in pairs.
- Walk in lighted areas.
- Let a roommate or friend know when you’re going out and when you are expecting to be back home.
- Don’t use ATMs after dark or if you need to use one, choose an ATM that is inside a building, not at an outdoor vestibule.
- If you’re unable to walk to and from a night time class with a classmate, call the campus police and see if they offer an escort service.
- In your dorm, keep the door locked.
- Keep your valuables locked up inside your room as well, computers and money, etc.
- Keep track of your student ID at all times and don’t let anyone borrow yours.
- If you’re walking by yourself, call a friend or family member. However, if you’re on the phone, make certain you’re still aware of your surroundings.
If you’re in a situation in which you feel threatened you should:
- Run toward crowded areas.
- Use the LifeFone mobile app to summon assistance. The app is many times, more accurate with its GPS tracking than is 911.
- If someone wants your purse or other possessions, let them have them, it’s not worth getting injured to save your money.
- Walk confidently.
- Don’t be distracted by texting while you’re walking.
Safety tips for you when you’re in your car:
- Make sure you have enough gas in your car to get you to your destination safely.
- Have your keys in your hand before you get to your vehicle. Don’t fumble around in your purse to find them.
- Lock the doors as soon as you get in the car.
- Park in well-lit areas.
- If you think someone is following you, use your LifeFone Mobile Alert™ app to summon help or drive to the nearest police station.
Campus safety involves using common sense but adding the protection provided by a mobile app will provide peace of mind for the user and the entire family.
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