Your Emergency Care Profile
Manage your LifeFone subscriber’s
emergency care profile.
Once you have subscribed to LifeFone, tell us here how we can best assist you when you need us.
Please provide us with your vital medical information, including any medications you take, allergies, and the names
and phone numbers of your doctors. We also need the names and contact information of your family members
and any others whom you wish us to contact in case of an emergency.
Create an Emergency
Care Profile
Create a new LifeFone subscriber’s emergency care profile. Provide us with your personal information,
address, caregiver, physician, & health information, as well as your emergency contacts.
Update Your Existing Emergency Care Profile
To update your account information, choose either subscriber or emergency contact information.
Note: Due to HIPAA Regulations, we cannot show your existing profile information.
Update Subscriber Information
Change or update the LifeFone subscriber’s address or phone number, caregiver, physician, preferred hospital, or health information, and special instructions.
Update Emergency Contacts
Change or update the names and phone numbers of the people LifeFone will contact in an emergency.
To become a new LifeFone subscriber, order securely online now