Tips to Keep Your Kids Safe at School

Let’s face it –school is terrifying in more ways than one. As you drop your child off day after day, nervous thoughts race through your mind, aside from whether or not your kid will make friends. These thoughts are normal as it seems as though violence has only increased throughout schools as well as the country. Here are a few school safety tips to keep your child safe and give you more piece of mind.
It sounds extreme and a bit silly, but ensuring that your child will be safe at school is a must. The establishment does not need metal detectors per se, but are there guards around? Is just about anyone allowed to walk in the building or through the halls? Do a test and see if you are stopped when you walk in, or asked to verify your identity. This will help ensure your child and others are safe from strangers and potential threats during their time on premises.
Even if your child does or does not have a cell phone, its good practice to establish a known meeting spot to pick them up on a regular basis. When you drop your child off back to school, show them a nearby location to meet you if there is trouble and they cannot go back to the school. Granted, be sure to tell them that they can’t just leave during class, but at least if things are chaotic during an emergency situation, you know where to find them and they know where to find you.
In addition to memorizing a meeting spot, be sure your child memorizes your cell phone number, address and a ‘safety word” now – regardless of if they are in school or not…have a cell phone or don’t have a cell phone. This way, they will always have a way to reach you, tell a teacher or police officer where they live, and in the case that they have to be picked up by someone else, they will only go with parent-approved adults that know the “safety word”. Also be sure the school has your number as well as a backup number, just in case. Times tables aren’t the only thing you child must learn to memorize!
If your child has a cell phone, download a personal security app like Mobile Alert™ and Family Guard™ by LifeFone that can get them help at the touch of a button. With sometimes thousands of kids at a school on any given day, it’s tough for administrators and teachers to pay attention to everyone. This is especially crucial if you’re child say has a peanut allergy or suffers from asthma attacks or seizures. Ensuring they can get the medical help they need regardless of if an adult is present or not – could mean the difference between life and death for your child. These apps are professionally monitored 24/7 and can send help to your child at the touch of a button – with access to exact medical information that you provide to ensure they receive the right help – the first time.
Our trusted mobile personal security solutions will help ensure the safety of individuals and their most precious belongings. Learn more on our website at
(Originally published September 8th, 2015 by
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