Medical Alert Resources
Making It Possible To Age In Place
Your parents don’t want to leave their home; aging in place is the option they’ve chosen and the family wants to honor their wishes. There are ways to make aging in place a possibility for Mom and Dad and if the family caregivers band together, you can help your parents remain self-sufficient and independent for […]
Resources For Caregivers
In many instances, taking on the role of caregiver is something that most individuals aren’t prepared for and when it happens it is often in times of crisis. When you find yourself thrust into the role of caregiver whether it’s for an aging or ill parent or spouse, it’s ideal to have access to resources […]
Numerous Reasons To Age In Place
There are so many reasons seniors want to age in place as they get older. The thought of leaving everything they know behind to move to another location can be daunting and LifeFone shares a few reasons to age in place.
Summer Activities For Seniors
Don’t spend the summer stuck inside! Getting outside, meeting new people, talking with friends, enjoying family, and moving around outside the house can be some of the most rewarding experiences of retirement. Even more, getting out of the house in the summer can be good for you!
Long-Term Care Insurance Basics
Do you think you know all you need to know about long-term care insurance? Do you and your spouse have a long-term care insurance policy? If so, you may be interested to know that the long term care insurance industry has been faced with a high demand for the coverage and the challenges of keeping […]
Is It Time For Assisted Living?
Talking to your parents, especially if they are insistent on aging in place, about making a move into an assisted living facility is never an easy conversation to have. In addition to having to leave their own home, they are faced with the reality that they can no longer care for themselves. However, a move […]
Justifying Medical Alert Device Expense
For individuals that live alone, security is a pressing concern. What happens in case you’re home alone and fall, or have some other medicinal crisis? Suppose that there’s nobody with you to call for help and worse, if you live alone, how long might it be before someone realizes you have fallen or injured yourself? […]
New Technology Helps Caregivers
A study in June 2013 by the Pew Research Center studied 3,014 U.S. seniors and investigated the relationship between caregivers and their utilization of technology. It was found that most caregivers benefit from the use of computers, tablets, phones and medical alert devices and more!
Robots And The Elderly
It’s not likely that a robot will ever replace the loving touch of a family member, but they may be of service in ways that were once likely unheard of including caring for the elderly. These robots could prove useful in helping the elderly stay home even when physical or cognitive abilities indicate they should […]
Finding Your Approach To Caregiving
There is no right or wrong approach to caregiving for a friend or family member. Each family’s needs are different and your caregiving style will develop as you better understand accessibility, family wishes, physical wellbeing, and your personal relationship with the person. Your style should be one that permits you to adjust your caregiving style to […]