Home Delivery Allows Freedom For Seniors
Independent living doesn’t mean that you need to use your days running around and shopping ’til you drop. As we age, we have earned a little time to unwind so it’s time to relax and unwind a little. One way to benefit is by having many of the items you normally get for yourself delivered to your home or living facility. Perishables and doctor prescribed pharmaceutical are two things you have to renew at normal intervals and both are able to be delivered by a home delivery company, giving you extra freedom and time to relax, enjoy friends and family or do an outside activity.
Basic need Delivery Services
Families stress (frequently unnecessarily) about independent living seniors, and one of their greatest concerns is that they may need something but be unable to get it. The ability to have a trusted company on call for certain needs takes the stress out of caregivers. Peapod, a home delivery company, offers convenient way to shop on the East Coast and the Midwest. Their services include an alternative to shopping as they bring the groceries right to you. The request for delivery requires a minimum of $60 order and the charge is typically between $7 and $10.
Netgrocer is another company that is throughout the nation and uses FedEx as their means to ship. They offer standard specials, for example, $20 off with a $50 request. They keep track of your orders and have a convenient way to bring up the same info if you request; shipping rates differ by area.
Wegoshop.com is the biggest of the perishable home deliver companies in the United States and Canada, and they ship to every one of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. You can select which neighborhood market you need your things picked up from, and Wegoshop.com does the shopping and delivers it right to you. The minimum order is $150 and costs about $25 in fees.
Safeway offers another convenient way to shop in specific East Coast and West Coast states, and Arizona. Their base request is $50, and their fee charges run from $10 to $12.
In addition to these web-based services, you may find that a local grocer may deliver on a regular basis.
Doctor prescribed Medication Delivery
Wal-Mart offers free deliver on all doctor prescribed drugs, including their $10, 90-day supply specials. You can request refills over the Internet or by dialing 1-800-2refill. As well, local pharmacies have delivery services.
When you choose independent living as a senior, it’s consoling to know that your essential needs are close to a keystroke or a telephone call away.
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