Medical Alert Resources
Daily Summer Activities for Seniors
Summer is a great time to get out and enjoy the nice weather. Not only does summer create a sense of enjoyment due to the warm weather and sunshine but also it creates health benefits, mood benefits and can even sharpen the mind of your aging loved one.
Look To Your Body For Clues To Your Health
Your hands, eyes and even the way you walk can tell your doctor a lot about your overall health, without even taking your blood pressure, getting your weight or drawing blood!
Weight Bearing Exercise Good For Health
It should come as no surprise that exercising is just plain good for our health – no matter what our age. As we get older though, exercise is more important for a variety of reasons that include:
The Benefits Of Music Therapy
For many people, music is a daily part of life. Whether you listen to music while you work or cook, listen to the radio in your car or sing bedtime songs to your children, music is a universal thing that draws people together and brings up fond memories. Specific songs and styles of music set […]
Why Am I So Tired?
Don’t you miss those days when you could “sleep like a baby?” Do you look at your pets with envy the way they curl up on the couch and nod off in less than a minute? If you’re a caregiver you need to do what you can to get a great night’s sleep so that […]
Why Can’t I Sleep?
Aging and lifestyle could play a part in the inability to sleep as fully or as deeply as we did when we were younger. There are close to 50 million Americans who say they cannot fall, or stay, asleep so you are not alone.
When Should Your Aging Loved One Stop Driving?
If your aging loved one is getting to the point that they are starting to need assistance in their everyday life, it can create a sense of hardship and stress for everyone. Specifically, driving a motor vehicle is one of those things that may need to be addressed sooner than later as your aging senior […]
Make Independent Living Safer
Most seniors would prefer to live our their lives, as they age, in the comfort of their own home. Although this may seem like a no brainer to many, the fear of a loved one falling or having a medical emergency when no one is around can be a frightening feeling! Independence is a great […]
Travel Safety Tips For Women
No longer is business travel the realm of men. Women are traveling just as much as men to conduct business both in the United States and abroad.
Saving Seniors Money
The prices we pay for the essentials like gas, groceries, medical costs and more continue to increase year after year. Many seniors are finding that money can be tight as they age so it is important to remind our loved ones of ways to stretch the almighty dollar.
- How Seniors Can Feel Empowered in a Digital World with Accessible Technology
- February Is American Heart Month
- Thriving as a New Caregiver: Self-Care Secrets Revealed
- Bridging the Gap: Supporting Seniors Without Nearby Family
- Distance Caregiving Simplified: Modern Strategies for Compassionate Support