Look To Your Body For Clues To Your Health
Your hands, eyes and even the way you walk can tell your doctor a lot about your overall health, without even taking your blood pressure, getting your weight or drawing blood!
They say your eyes are the windows to your soul, but your hands can tell a lot about your health, including:
- If you have blotchy red palms it could indicate a condition of a liver disease. Then again, it could indicate that you were shoveling, or that you gripped a hot pan or kettle. Know what your hands have gotten into before you press the panic button.
- Did you know that the length of your fingers can be an indicator of your likelihood of developing certain health conditions? One study found that osteoarthritis of the knees is sometimes found in people who have longer ring fingers. A long index finger is sometimes associated with a higher risk of breast cancer in women, but a lower risk of prostate cancer in men.
- If your fingers are swollen and you can’t think of a particular reason such a you’ve eaten a lot of salty foods or you are having your period it could be a sign of hypothyroidism. This manifests itself in your fingers because fingers are one of the first places that water will accumulate.
- Pale fingernails could mean you’re anemic. Press gently on your fingernails, if they turn white, they should turn back to pink once you stop pressing, if they don’t you might be anemic.
- If you notice your eyebrows are “disappearing” and you’re not plucking them into that fashion, it could signal a thyroid disease. Even though brows thin as we age, excessive brow loss may be a reason to call your doctor.
- Bumpy patches on your eyelid could signal high cholesterol. Your doctor may be able to diagnose this simply by a visual exam or he may order a panel of blood work to check your cholesterol levels.
- If you walk at a snail’s pace this could mean you will have a shorter life expectancy; why? The average walking speed is typically three feet per second or two miles an hour. If you walk slower than that you may have an increased risk of dying early. How can you fix this? Simply by picking up the pace a bit. The slow walking could be a sign of an underlying health condition that your doctor may want to address.
- If you don’t swing your arms when you walk, it could indicate an issue with your lower back.
- If one foot slaps the ground harder than the other it could mean you’ve had a stroke or that you have a ruptured disk in your back.
- On a lighter note! If you walk with a confident stride it could just mean you’re having a satisfying sexual life! Energetic strides in both men and women showed the same connection.
If you notice any changes in your body or the way you walk or any unexplained aches or pains, it may not be a bad idea to be proactive and give your doctor a call. If you find that you, or a member of your family are suffering any kind of balance or gait issues, it might be time to consider a home medical alert device so that in case a trip or fall accident occurs, your loved one can summon help at the push of a button.
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