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Five Ways Good Friends Are Good For You

Having good friends can have a major impact on your health and well-being. At LifeFone, we believe friendships have a positive impact on your overall well-being. We have five ways that good friends are good for you and your health. Friends can help you celebrate good times and provide support during bad times. Friends prevent […]

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Who Is At Risk

Research supports the common sense notion that getting prompt help makes surviving an emergency more likely. The ability to get help also boosts the odds that a senior will continue to live independently. The longer a person spends helpless, the greater the likelihood he/she will be discharged into supportive care. For elderly people who live […]

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Four Signs To Gauge Your Loved Ones’ Health After The Holidays

The Holidays are behind us. It’s time to take a breath, and look forward to the new year.  As a caregiver, not only do you think about your health, but also the health of your loved one for whose care you are responsible.  As is often the case, the holiday season takes a toll on […]

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Choosing The Correct Socks And Shoes

As we age, our bones and muscles weaken. This often makes it difficult to keep our balance while walking. Choosing the correct socks and shoes can help eliminate potential falls. No shoe is 100% fall-proof. However, there are several factors that can make a shoe less likely to cause a fall. Consider these points when […]

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Seven Steps To A Healthy New Year

The new year is upon us, and perhaps you’ve made some New Year’s Resolutions. For most, ‘health’ is on the list, though sometimes figuring out how to ‘get healthy’ isn’t as easy as making the list is. Normally, when you think about health, you think about food. At LifeFone, we have seven steps to a […]

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Four Alternatives To Assisted Living

America’s senior citizens are living longer, more active lives, and have fast become the largest-growing sector of society. With a ballooning population, thanks to advances in medical science, better access to health care and better living conditions, more living options are available for the elderly outside of assisted living facilities.

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Five Aches And Pains You Should Not Ignore

Everyone experiences aches and pains.   From a simple tooth ache to pain in the abdomen, there are some that shouldn’t be ignored. At LifeFone, we’ve compiled a list of five aches and pains which you should pay closer attention to. Every ache and pain should not put you on edge. A good rule of thumb […]

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Vascular Dementia

Often times at LifeFone we offer tips on exercise, eating more vegetables, and learning new things. You may wonder why? Is it really that important? Yes, it really is. All of these questions can be answered with one answer: To prevent vascular dementia. Vascular dementia is the second most common form of memory loss behind […]

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Take A Step Back From Stress

Stress is something we create. Learning to disconnect and step away from the situation helps. At LifeFone, we have some tips to help you step back from stress.

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A New Look At Aging

Scientists are discovering something very peculiar about aging: How we feel about getting old matters. At LifeFone, we want to take a new look at aging.

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