Spring Health Tips For Seniors

Spring officially arrived on March 20th and with that comes better weather and the chance to venture outside and enjoy it. Many parts of the country have been dealing with snow and bitter cold temperatures over the past months and with that, our senior population tends to slow down while spending more time inside. However, spring brings the opportunity to rejuvenate your health by getting outside and becoming more active. It also means enjoying the warmth of the sun and breathing in the fresh air. Here are a few tips for our seniors (and caregivers) to help invigorate their health this spring.
Take advantage of spring gardening – While the winter months don’t allow many outdoor activities, once spring comes and the ground thaws out, gardening is a great way to enjoy the outdoors. Not only does it help with physical strength and flexibility, it can be a great way to relax the mind and relieve stress. Green plants, sunshine and the benefit of watching your garden grow throughout the season can be very beneficial physically and mentally.
Get out and take a stroll – If you weren’t aware, National Walking Day is April 6 which encourages Americans of all ages to get outside, stretch their legs and get the blood flowing for a healthier, more satisfying life. Physical activity doesn’t need to be strenuous to be beneficial. A simple brisk walk each day can provide numerous benefits. According to the Mayo Clinic, a daily walk can help:
- Maintain a healthy weight and lose body fat
- Prevent or manage various conditions, including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer and type 2 diabetes
- Improve cardiovascular fitness
- Strengthen your bones and muscles
- Improve muscle endurance
- Increase energy levels
- Improve your mood, cognition, memory and sleep
- Improve your balance and coordination
- Strengthen immune system
- Reduce stress and tension
For those that may have trouble getting out for a daily walk, chair yoga is another viable option to increase strength and stay healthy. It is a modified version of traditional yoga which allows participants to perform exercises from a seated position. According to Senior Lifestyle, chair yoga has many benefits for older adults including:
- Low impact on joints
- Improves flexibility
- Stress reduction
- Improves pain management
- Improves circulation
- Combats depression and anxiety
- Improves balance
- Promotes independence and wellbeing
Change up your diet – As the weather improves, locally grown fruits and vegetables may give you the opportunity to eat healthier and try new things. If your own garden isn’t producing the produce you’re looking for, find a market close to you that grows things like mushrooms, cucumbers, asparagus as well as other vegetables and fruits. Then, find a good cookbook or search online for recipes that you and your family find intriguing or delightful.
Spring Cleaning – Everyone is aware that “spring cleaning” means once the weather gets better, it’s time to get your home in order. Not only do many people find it rewarding to clean their home, but the physical action of cleaning your home can provide an additional way to get a bit of exercise while benefiting your current living situation.
Allergy season in full swing – Spring not only brings better weather but the growth of the trees and flowers in our local areas. This creates additional pollen which could trigger unwanted side effects such as a runny nose or itchy eyes. If you or your loved one is temperamental to seasonal pollen changes, be sure to talk with your doctor or pharmacist about ways to avoid possible side effects of the seasonal changes.
Staying healthy and strong is an important part of living a long and fulfilling life. As we begin to do more outside and become more active in our daily life it’s crucial to stay safe at home or while on the go. LifeFone’s medical alert devices can provide peace of mind for you or a loved one with their 24/7 emergency response monitoring. While on a walk, in your car or while gardening, in the case of an emergency, and with the press of a button, LifeFone can summon help when seconds count. For more information regarding a medical alert system give our team a call to discuss options that fit your lifestyle.