Medical Alert Resources
Best Emergency Medical Alarms
As you start to age there is one way to keep yourself healthier and more active that is cheaper and easier than anything else. That is, staying physically active.
Medical Alert System For Seniors With Disabilities
A reliable medical alert system installed in the home of a loved one can make an incredible difference in their lives. In fact, it can be the difference between life and death for many of today’s seniors.
Medical Alert Systems Reviews
There have been hundreds of medical alert systems reviews posted on the Internet and published in magazines, and they all use various criteria to rate the quality of medical alert systems. The reviews often have several things in common that they all look for, including the quality of the monitoring center, the cost of service, […]
Medical Alert Systems Mean Fewer Injuries
If you aren’t sure a medical alert system is necessary for an older, independent adult in your family, you should take into consideration the startling facts about just how many seniors suffer serious health consequences because of a fall.
Medical Alarm Systems Give Seniors Their Independence
With more seniors every year choosing to live at home, medical alarm systems are increasingly popular. These medical alarm systems are one of the most important elements of ensuring the safety and good health of seniors who aren’t ready for a nursing home or assisted living facility.
Medical Alarms & Medical Alert Bracelets Save Lives
Managing medical information, and in particular, allergy and drug information, is one of the most important aspects allowing seniors to stay in their own home. Medical alert bracelets are essential in providing important medical information should an emergency arise.
Medical Alert System Gives Peace of Mind
When a spouse or family member falls ill and a healthy older adult becomes their caregiver, the senior caregiver also needs support. A state-of-the-art support network that includes a medical alert system is vital to preserve peace of mind for both seniors remaining in the home.
Medical Alarms Help More Than Seniors
More than seniors benefit from LifeFone Medical Alert systems. Disabled people can also be significantly protected when they have medical alert systems as part of their home and travel support network.
Home Medical Alert Systems – Who Needs Medical Alarms & Why?
Many reasons exist for seniors, families, or caregivers to consider a home medical alert system. Ongoing health issues can certainly be one reason to purchase medical alarms and are the most obvious. Yet, knowing what constitutes a health risk is also important to identify.
Medical Alert Button Can Reduce Worry
Daily activities of caring for a senior with health issues can be challenging. Sometimes simple activities can even result in emergencies should the person fall or experience disorientation while performing any number of tasks.