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Medical Alert Resources

How To Choose a Medical Alert System Company

There are countless companies offering medical alert & medical alarm services. Wading through the information and making numerous calls can be a daunting task. Searching for the best price is often top-of-mind but selecting the right service for your personal needs is most important.

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Benefits of a Personal Medical Response System

When you or an elderly family member needs an emergency plan when they are home alone, the personal medical response system is the perfect solution.

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Benefits of a LifeFone Medical Alert System

During times when a family member cannot be present, a medical alert system from LifeFone will provide the advantage of security, safety and peace of mind, with 24/7/365 secure monitoring.

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Medical Alert System Explained

No matter how old you are, it is important to have your independence, and be safe and secure the same time. However, for many seniors, their caregivers and families, this is simply not a possibility.

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Housing Options With Medical Alarms

Before making a decision on where you or your loved one will spend retirement years, you need to look at all the options. If the move involves relocation to a new city or state you truly need to step back and look at everything before you choose new living accommodations.

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Planning for Financials and Health Care as you Age

It’s anticipated that by 2028 the cost of private nursing home care will double from current costs and the government has forecast that there could be a 50% increase in the population of those 65 or older which could put a strain the resources available for nursing home care.

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Senior Friendly Benefits Of Medical Alert Systems

The idea of a medical alert system seems like a good idea to the person suggesting it, but it may feel like an invasion of privacy to the elderly individual wearing it.

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Preparing To Move An Aging Parent Into Your Home

At some point, it may become necessary to open the doors of your home and invite your aging parents to move in; whether they’ve suffered a stroke, trip or fall accident, other health issue or if old age has simply made it impossible for them to live alone, family members need to have a plan […]

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Medical Alert System Makes A Great Gift

Gift ideas for your aging parents may be hard to come by especially considering that they afford to purchase what they need and want, when they need it.

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When Should Your Parent Hand Over The Car Keys

Aging in place and retaining the ability to drive are two hallmarks of independence and having to give up either of these could be a struggle. The difficulty with taking away the car keys is that your aging parents may truly believe they are still safe to be on the road and behind the wheel.

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