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Medical Alert Resources

Staying Safe During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is usually a joyful time of year meant for getting together with family and friends. It’s a time to reflect on our lives and loved ones, and certainly a time for cel­ebration. The holiday season, with its festivities and decorations, is not without its health and safety risks. In fact, it can […]

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Medical Alert System versus a Cell Phone

Seniors who are living on a fixed income and the family caregivers who may be involved in the family budgeting may ask themselves, “Why should I invest in a home medical alert system when my mom and dad have a cell phone.”

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Common Sense Tips For Finding A Quality Medical Alert Provider

Television commercials, mailings, Internet advertising and even telemarketers continually bombard our aging relatives with information and sales pitches on everything from vitamins to groceries to home medical alert device providers. How do you tone down the noise and make an informed decision, especially as it pertains to finding a provider for medical alert devices and […]

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Giving Mom And Dad A Home Medical Alert System

Medical alert systems are, at the most basic, a personal 9-1-1 device for the elderly. These devices are monitored by trained professionals 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year; because of that they provide peace of mind to all members of the family and caregivers.

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A Lockbox Can Save Lives, Prevent Home Damage

Imagine this scenario: Your senior family member has had to activate his emergency medical pendant and the medical personnel are on the way. The senior can’t get up to answer the door; the locked door is a barrier between the patient and emergency medical personnel.

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What Is An Automatic Fall Detection Device?

Medical alert industry professionals are being bombarded with news about “fall detection technology” from many sources and as a caregiver, you may be seeing this information as well. What this technology claims to do it be a failsafe for individuals who, even though they may be wearing medical alert pendants, might be unable to push […]

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Celebrating Caregivers During November

November has been designated as National Caregivers Month although for anyone involved in the caregiving process, it is a year round task when it comes to caring for frail, elderly or disabled friends or family members. According to the Family Caregiver Alliance, the term “caregiver” means anyone who provides assistance to someone else who is, […]

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Aging In Place With A Medical Alert Device

As your parents age, you may take on the role of caregiver. If your parents are determined to age in place, but you’re concerned about their health when you’re not there with them, what can you do? Gifting them with a home medical alert device can provide peace of mind for both you and them. […]

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Tips To Protect Aging Loved Ones From Phone Scams

There are many phone scams including the “grandparent scam” in which someone calls to tell them their grandchild is in trouble and needs money for bail or medical treatment. They’re told to send money via Western Union or other methods.

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Secrets To A Great Night’s Sleep

Not only is sleep a luxury, it is also a necessity because it’s when we sleep that our bodies have time to repair and replenish and get us ready to face another day.

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