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Medical Alert Resources

Caregivers Receive Extra Support With The VIPx and Caregiver Mobile App

The new VIPx medical alert system has finally arrived and with it comes some additional help for both users and caregivers in the form of LifeFone’s optional Caregiver Mobile App.

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Helping The Elderly Downsize

When retirement is around the corner, most seniors plan to downsize. Retirement is a new beginning for them rather than an ending—they move to a new house in a new area with new neighbors. However, as simple as it may sound, the process of downsizing is full of emotional and physical challenges for everyone. While […]

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Celebrate “National Grandparents Day” with 5 New Approaches to Eldercare!

Most people would agree change is an ever-present part of life. As the saying goes, “Uncertainty is the only certainty there is.” But things are evolving faster than ever before, and the changes aren’t limited to just technology. Social dynamics, family priorities, and healthcare realities are all far different now than just a few years […]

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Finding A Home Health Aide For Your Aging Loved One

Holding the title of caregiver for an aging loved one comes with immense responsibility. One way to help you properly care for your loved one is by hiring a home health aide from a reputable home healthcare agency. Home health aides help individuals with day-to-day tasks, such as bathing, dressing, cooking, cleaning, and taking medications. […]

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Did You Know August 21st is “World Senior Citizen’s Day”?

Most Americans celebrate “Mother’s Day” and “Father’s Day,” but few know the summer season hosts an equally-important honor that is inclusive of all aging folks. August 21st is “World Senior Citizen’s Day.” It was first declared by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 and is worthy of special consideration. After all, older citizens contribute much to […]

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How Can Seniors Prevent A Fall?

When it comes to elderly adults and their families, falls are a common concern. In fact, falling has become a leading cause of injury-related death in older people – those 65 and above. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that as many as 3 million US adults end up in a hospital’s […]

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Independence vs. Safety

July is an important month in American society since it hosts the country’s Independence Day holiday. And while liberty is often viewed in social and political contexts, it also factors into peoples’ lives on an individual level. In particular, the topic of personal independence is of great concern to older folks who struggle to care […]

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Caring For People In A Pandemic

Though COVID-19 affects everyone regardless of their age, older people are more susceptible to catching the virus. Older adults, 60 years and above, with pre-existing medical conditions, such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease, or lung disease, are more likely to get severely infected by COVID-19 than other age groups. Therefore, it is of utmost importance […]

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7 Ways To Keep “Dad” Safe And Happy Father’s Day

It’s no secret people can fall into lifestyle habits that are hard to break. But older folks are especially likely to get stuck in their ways and even more so when it comes to adopting new, helpful technologies. Unfortunately, those who do often suffer from poorer quality of life and compromised health and safety.

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National Senior Health & Fitness Day

If there is one thing that every person should do, regardless of how old they are, it is to exercise. Men, women, youngsters, and the elderly should all engage in physical activity to stay fit and steer clear of diseases. However, exercising regularly and eating a well-balanced diet becomes much more important as one gets […]

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