Medical Alert Resources
Monitoring Your Aging Loved Ones Diet
As we age, food that once was a staple in our lives become less agreeable with our bodies. This is common as the changes that happen as we get older actually affect how our bodies process the foods we eat. As our metabolism slows down, the amount of calories and types of food we eat […]
What If Mom Seems Less Interested In Daily Life
As our parents age, it can be difficult to watch them decline. Whether their health is failing or you notice they are less active and mobile, it’s frustrating to observe these changes. It often means that you have to become more active in their life and begin to monitor their health, finances, home and more.
Caregivers Need To Slow Down
If you believe that multi-tasking is a great way to get more done in the course of a day, you may be surprised to learn that multi-taskingactually fractures your concentration so you’re less likely to fully complete any task. Another concern with multi-tasking is that it causes “hurry up stress” and this, according to some […]
Helping The Elderly Adjust To Community Living
As our loved ones age it’s only natural to want to provide a safer, more reliable living environment. Especially if family and friends are not close in proximity to their loved ones, providing a safe, retirement style community may be the right choice. The ability to ensure safe living with caregivers around them at all […]
Signs That It’s Time For A Medical Alert System
It’s common to believe that as we age we will still be able to live a normal, healthy and active lifestyle; the problem arises when we take for granted our health and stability. Deciding upon the right time to purchase a medical alarm system can be challenging when living independently has been the norm for […]
Superfoods That Can Help Lower Cholesterol
Caregiving can sometimes feel like a full time job, in addition to your “other” full time job and raising a family. Along with all of the tasks involved in caring for an aging loved one, caregivers tend to neglect their own health and in many cases rely on fast food or processed foods.
Healthcare And Robotics: A Future Trend?
In television and movies, robots take on almost-human characteristics to care for their charges or help out around the house (think Rosie the robot from the Jetsons) and you may wonder how far off in the future is a technology that can help out around the house and perhaps even help provide healthcare for our […]
Health And Indoor Air Temperature Issues For Seniors
If you’re looking out the window and see the ground covered in snow and more coming down, you know that you won’t be opening your windows for fresh air any time soon.
Attitude Is Everything: Cultivate Gratitude
Chances are you’ve heard that attitude is everything. This becomes evident when you understand the science behind the idea that gratitude can help individuals enjoy better physical and mental health. Many of us think about “counting our blessings” at the holidays or after a health scare, but cultivating gratitude on a daily basis can help […]
Diabetes and Aging in Place
Anyone suffering with diabetes knows the importance of keeping blood sugar levels under control to prevent long-term complications such as kidney damage or cardiovascular disease. When improperly managed, however, patients can experience complications leading to serious health issues. There are many signs and symptoms to indicate that a person may not be managing their diabetes […]