Medical Alert Resources
Getting Back To Nature Could Enhance Your Life
Do you ever take note of how great you feel when you can look at a babbling brook, or get a whiff of fresh outdoor air during the course of a workday? The reason for this could be that simply being out in nature enhances your mood and could possibly enhance your life.
FTC Press Release Regarding Robocalls
The Federal Trade Commission has filed a joint complaint with the Florida Attorney General’s Office charging a New York-based operation known as Lifewatch with using blatantly illegal and deceptive robocalls to trick older consumers throughout the United States and Canada into signing up for medical alert systems with monthly monitoring fees ranging from $29.95 to $39.95.
The Benefits Of Improving Your Balance
Statistics show that the primary reason that individuals over the age of 65 go to the emergency room is because of a trip or fall accident. If you have good balance and remain active, the likelihood of falling is reduced.
Shingles: Are You At Risk?
Many of us had chicken pox when we were young. We may remember our parents letting us soak in a bathtub or putting calamine lotion on our skin to help relieve the itching. It was a childhood illness that might have kept you out of school for a week, but then it went away and […]
The Benefits Of Green Tea
It might be a rare occasion when you sit down and enjoy a cup of tea, but the benefits of green tea – and frankly any other tea – might make you just decide to brew up a cup. Did you know that green tea can help you relax and de-stress? It’s not that tea […]
Summer Skin Care Tips
Once the summer sun is high in the sky, we give into the urge to throw open the windows and the curtains and dash outside to soak up the warm rays. This is especially true after a long, cold winter. Along with the summer days come more times when you will be spending days and […]
Independent Living Communities Explained
As our loved ones age their ability to stay in their home safely may dwindle. Daily activities many times become harder to accomplish and daily care may be needed or just wanted. Support and companionship not to mention the worry of safety of the loved one who is living alone is always a concern for […]
Healthy Summer Snacks For The Elderly (and Everyone!)
As a caregiver, your plate is full with so many tasks and items you have to keep track of for your aging loved ones. It’s likely that one of those tasks is making certain they not only eat, but that they are eating healthy foods. What can you do to assure they’re eating healthy when […]
Get A Hug A Day For The Health Of It
It doesn’t matter what our age is, physical contact with a loved one can make our day and can keep our health and attitude in good condition! A full body hug from your children brings not only a smile to your face, but it can help ease depression, anxiety, stress, disease and especially loneliness. When […]
Stay Safe In The Summer: Tips For The Elderly
When you think of summer you think of fun in the sun and time spent outside with friends and family. We all do! For seniors the heat and humidity can be dangerous unless precautions are taken to keep them healthy and happy all summer long.