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Keeping Your Latch-key Kids Safe At Home

Depending on how old your children are, chances are they are asking, “Why can’t we come home from school even if you’re not here?” or “Why can’t we stay home alone while you grocery shop?” It’s normal and natural for your children to want to assert their independence just as it’s normal and natural for […]

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You Look Good For Your Age!

Do you have friends who look “great for their age”? Do you look in the mirror and wonder why you don’t appear to be aging that well? There are many factors that go into how we look as we age and researchers have discovered that there could be something more than “skin deep” that has […]

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Some Of Our Favorite Senior Discount Spots

Aging comes with benefits including grandchildren, retirement, wisdom, the ability to travel with less hassle and access to senior discounts!

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Are You Looking For A Job When You’re 55+

The fact of life for many people 55 and older is that they may find themselves looking for a job. Whether because of downsizing, “right sizing” or the simple desire to do something different until they retire, finding a job may not be as simple as it was in your youth. A recent study showed […]

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Get The Most From Your Medical Alert Service

You’ve made the final decision on a medical alert system and though it seems like a once-and-done decision, there are many ways you can ensure you are getting the most out of your service.

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The Best Places To Retire

We know that “the best place to retire” is in the eye of the beholder, but we did some research and gathered information from various sources so you can begin your search for that best place for you and your spouse.

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Helping Aging Loved Ones Deal With Grief

It’s been said that the only things that are assured in life are “death and taxes” and as we age, it becomes more apparent that there is certainly truth in that – we will inevitably lose some of our friends to illness or old age.

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Are You Distracted When You Drive?

Did you know that it’s not just teenagers who are driving distracted? It’s been shown that because there are so many Baby Boomers who own smartphones (about 40 million) that they are just as likely to be distracted by the phone and texting as teenagers.

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Tips To Be Happy And Peaceful

As a caregiver have you ever wondered how you can “find your Zen” or even just an island of peace in a world in which you’re being pulled in so many directions? If you said yes, you’re not alone. Caregivers, especially those in the so-called Sandwich Generation (those working full time, caring for their own […]

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Happy National Senior Citizens Day

On August 19, 1988, President Ronald Reagan said, in his Presidential Proclamation, “Throughout our history, older people have achieved much for our families, our communities, and our country. That remains true today, and gives us ample reason this year to reserve a special day in honor of the senior citizens who mean so much to […]

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