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Medical Alert Resources

Long-Distance Caregivers Take One Step Closer

Being a caregiver can be difficult and extremely stressful especially if the one you love and are taking care of does not live geographical near by. Although this can create many obstacles in terms of  making sure they are safe and their needs are met, technology has now given caregivers the tools to ensure their […]

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Just What The Doctor Ordered: Exercise

Does the idea of lacing up your sneakers and heading on out to the gym or to an exercise class send a chill down your spine? Consider this: physicians have long known that simply getting up and moving around – even a little bit – can address many a health issue.

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It’s a Laughing Matter

We all know it – laughter is good for you? Are you stressed out, anxious or feeling a little gloomy? While you might consider a long walk or jog, you might also want to consider laughing as the medicine for what ails you.

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What is Mobile Personal Security (mPERS)?

So, maybe you’ve heard the term mobile personal security, aka mPERS, flying around, but what does it mean and why should you have it? Well, it means exactly what it says – personal security that extends outside the home – and accompanies you on the go! New technology such as LifeFone Mobile Alert™ is making […]

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Is It Time To Downsize Your Aging Parents’ Home?

Making a change in your aging parents’ lifestyle can be a traumatic event. If they are moving to a smaller home or moving into your home, it will mean they will have to divest themselves of some of their belongings. This can lead to a sense of loss of both memories and a loss of […]

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Fall Prevention Tips

Falls are the number one cause of injury and hospital visits due to trauma among people age 65 and older. We have a few tips on how to reduce falls.

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Keeping Your Latch-key Kids Safe At Home

Depending on how old your children are, chances are they are asking, “Why can’t we come home from school even if you’re not here?” or “Why can’t we stay home alone while you grocery shop?” It’s normal and natural for your children to want to assert their independence just as it’s normal and natural for […]

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You Look Good For Your Age!

Do you have friends who look “great for their age”? Do you look in the mirror and wonder why you don’t appear to be aging that well? There are many factors that go into how we look as we age and researchers have discovered that there could be something more than “skin deep” that has […]

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Some Of Our Favorite Senior Discount Spots

Aging comes with benefits including grandchildren, retirement, wisdom, the ability to travel with less hassle and access to senior discounts!

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Are You Looking For A Job When You’re 55+

The fact of life for many people 55 and older is that they may find themselves looking for a job. Whether because of downsizing, “right sizing” or the simple desire to do something different until they retire, finding a job may not be as simple as it was in your youth. A recent study showed […]

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