Medical Alert Resources
Use Safety Apps In An Emergency Situation
Many families have “go bags” – those are bags that family members could grab and go with in the event of an emergency. Families who live in flood prone areas or areas of the country that are faced with other weather emergencies know the importance of being prepared in the event they have to leave […]
How To Safety Store And Dispose Of Medications
It’s almost a fact of life – as we age, chances are we will be taking more and more medications. However, it’s important that individuals properly store and dispose of medicines.
Tips For Keeping Your Children and Aging Loved Ones Safe
As a parent, one of the main questions you ask is, “are my children safe?” Then, as we age, and we become caregivers for our parents, our focus shifts on keeping them safe and helping them to age in place. It’s a never-ending cycle of caring for and being concerned about the safety of those […]
Charging Your Cell Phone When The Power’s Out
We’ve all been there. We haven’t charged our cell phones or tablets and the power goes out and we don’t have enough “juice” left in the devices to allow you to call a friend or family member for help or to keep your children entertained during a power outage.
Keep an Active and Healthy Brain
There’s a saying that goes something like, “we don’t stop playing when we get old, we get old when we stop playing.” That is especially true for our minds. Researchers have shown that keeping your mind active leads toward keeping a healthy brain which could possibly ward off Alzheimers Disease or even dementia.
Letting ‘Kids Be Kids’ Is Good Parenting Advice
Many parents say they want to give their children a better life than they had and want to make certain their children grow up to be good adults. How can that happen? Studies have shown that “letting kids be kids” is one of the best ways to do just that and it’s been shown that […]
Steps Toward A Frugal Lifestyle
Living a frugal lifestyle is really not that hard, it just takes planning and forethought such as thinking about whether you really need an item that you’re considering purchasing. In many cases, it’s the smaller spending that throws people off track rather than big ticket item purchases. Small spending, like an expensive cup of coffee […]
Caring for the Caregiver
As our population ages, Boomer are taking on more and more caregiving responsibilities. According to a study conducted by MetLife, there are approximately 10 million people over the age of 50 who are caring for their aging parents. This is an astonishing number and the toll it takes on the caregiver is often immense.
What To Do With Your Aging Relative’s Belongings
Moving your parents or other aging loved ones into an assisted living facility or a nursing home is a task that no one looks forward to. It is a decision-making process fraught with stress and decisions, one of which is, “what do we do with all their belongings?”
Steps To A Better Night’s Sleep
If your bed is calling your name, but once you crawl between the sheets you can’t seem to drift off, it’s an exercise in frustration. Sleep is necessary to overall health and well-being and if you’re not getting a good night’s sleep, here are some tips to help you drift off more easily.
- How Seniors Can Feel Empowered in a Digital World with Accessible Technology
- February Is American Heart Month
- Thriving as a New Caregiver: Self-Care Secrets Revealed
- Bridging the Gap: Supporting Seniors Without Nearby Family
- Distance Caregiving Simplified: Modern Strategies for Compassionate Support