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Medical Alert Resources

Senior Travel And The Great Affair

As an aging baby boomer, many of us remember things like libraries and the Dewey Decimal System and card catalogs and road trips and things as simple as Sunday afternoon drives. One of the memories … or at least the names … we remember is Robert Lewis Stevenson. Here is what he said: “For my […]

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Spring Allergies

Spring is a welcome relief from the long, cold winter, but for about one in five people, budding flowers and trees bring their seasonal pollen allergies into full swing causing all types of discomfort. Symptoms can be cold-like, including itchiness in the nose, roof of the mouth, throat, eyes and ears, along with watery eyes, […]

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Live Longer, Healthier Lives

We have a friend who commented to us the other day that she had no idea “how I got this old.” It is a common sentiment of aging baby boomers AND their parents who are approaching 90 – 100! It is something that brings with it unique challenges as our society attempts to figure out […]

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Control Sodium Intake

Spicing up our lives has always been one of goals of humans and probably more so for Baby Boomers! Our lives have been filled with hard work but also lots of experiences that have seasoned our lives with joy and feelings of being fully alive. While we can refuse to be “senior citizens” with tasteless […]

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Aging Over The Years

Back in the late 1940’s when life was simpler, families sat in their home and spent time playing family card games and watching the new-fangled invention called television. They had a choice of three channels, maybe four if their area included Public Television. So with little else to do, couples started having children. Millions of […]

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Apps Can Add To Family Safety And Security

Apps have taken over many aspects of our lives. We have apps to turn our furnace up and down, to offer driving directions and to let us know our children have made it home safely from school.

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How To Get The Most from Your Medical Alert Service

You’ve made the final decision on a medical alert system and though it seems like a once-and-done decision, there are many ways you can ensure you are getting the most out of your service.

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Safety Tips For Travelers

Whether you’re a world traveler jetting across the globe or if you’re traveling for vacation or for an occasional business trip, it is wise to remember you’re not at home and because of that you want to practice safety.

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Is It Worth It To Split Pills?

Are you or a loved one a pill splitter? If so, we encourage you to consider why you are splitting pills. Is it because you, or your loved one, have “decided” they don’t need a full dose, perhaps to save money or is it because your doctor recommended it? Another reason people split pills from […]

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