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Medical Alert Resources

Maintaining A Healthy Weight

There probably is no proof to this but I bet if there was a nationwide closet inventory, the results would show that most of us have a lot of clothes but only a few that fit us. There are those old jeans that are now two sizes too small, but well within our goal. Then […]

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Top Travel Destinations For Seniors

Let’s face it. Summer is a time for vacations and adventures. The best part about travel is that you don’t have to demolish your budget to travel, either. When you’re looking for an affordable, convenient and fun vacation spot, whether for yourself or you and your extended family, here are a few ideas from which […]

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Beat The Summer Heat: Safety Tips For Seniors

Summertime is when many of us spend time with friends and family. We take vacations, go swimming, explore the outdoors and go on picnics. If you’re a senior, your body may not regulate itself against the dangers of hot days so you need to be aware of the need to beat the heat and stay […]

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LifeFone’s 4th of July Safety

Just short of Christmas, there is nothing quite like the Fourth of July to stir emotions. Happy Emotions. We all have our own special thoughts with a special someone but honestly, just lying on the ground on a blanket, under the stars, holding hands, watching sky explosions … ah, it doesn’t get much better than […]

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Travel Ideas for Seniors

Growing up, summer was a favorite time of year. After all, if you lived in a cold climate the weather just got better which is pretty much true no matter where you live. You were out of school for a few months and there was that family vacation. Oh the memories associated with Disneyland, the […]

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Five Ways To Improve Your Diet And Your Health

Diabetes, obesity and heart disease are on the increase in the United States – in fact some doctors are even calling the poor health of individuals an epidemic. Your lifestyle impacts your health and it can also impact your quality of life as well as your longevity. Consider that close to three quarters of a […]

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Have You Considered Running A Marathon?

Does that question strike fear into your heart? The number of people, Baby Boomers who are getting off the couch and running 5Ks, 10Ks and even marathons is growing every year. Is there any reason you haven’t considered participating? You may not want to go from a semi-sedentary life to putting on your sneakers and […]

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June Is National Safety Month

As caregivers we are continually in “safety mode” when it comes to caring for our aging loved ones. The month of June, though, has been set aside as National Safety Month as a way to highlight safety of all kinds:

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The Dangers of Dehydration

With summer fast approaching caregivers need to not only assure they are staying hydrated, but they must also make certain their aging parents are drinking enough water as well. There is the adage that everyone should drink eight, 8-ounce glasses of water a day, but that may or may not be the case. The amount […]

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The Financial Perks Of Aging

Chances are you are long past the time when the cashier asks for your identification when you buy a bottle of wine. Be prepared, though, to show a card to prove you’re old enough to request discounts and other perks for “seniors.” Keep in mind that some of these perks are offered to “seniors” who […]

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