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Medical Alert Resources

Teens and Young Adults can Benefit from a Medical Alert System

While care-giving can be difficult for many adults, sadly, many teens are finding themselves in care-giving situations that would normally not be on their radar. The AACY (American Association of Care-giving Youth) is helping to raise awareness about this issue and is working to develop partnerships to better understand the issues surrounding this growing trend, […]

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Stress Relief Tips for Caregivers

Caring for your loved one strains even the most resilient person. If you are a caregiver, taking care of yourself is equally as important, if not more, as the care you give your loved one. If your loved-one is dealing with a long-term illness, you are too. One person doesn’t fight the battle alone, and […]

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Seven Reasons Why You Should Be Drinking More Water

Water. The human body is close to 60% water, with the brain being almost 90% water. With all of that water swimming around in us, it makes sense that water really does do a body good when we drink it.

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Personal Medical Devices Ideal For Diabetics

Personal medical devices are not just for the elderly, those at risk of a fall, or for those who live alone. Diabetics can also benefit from a home medical alert device and this is especially true for those who don’t have a handle yet on their blood sugar.

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Easy, Healthy Recipes for the Elderly

As we age, coming up with meals gets a bit tricky. Often times our appetite begins to wane, and eating just doesn’t seem appealing. Easier doesn’t always equal healthy, so here are some that fit both descriptions.

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National Senior Citizens Day

National Senior Citizens Day is August 21st. While it may not seem much to you, to the seniors in your world, it could mean everything. While they may not be able to go to the amusement park and ride the rides with you, there is much you can do with them.

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Seasonal Changes Do Have an Affect

Have you noticed how, as the days get longer, and warmer, you feel better? Sunshine has a positive effect on your entire being. The warmth of the sun helps to bolster your mood, and the fresh air gives you an overall sense of feeling better.

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Stay Cool This Summer

Growing up when we did, it was always important to be “cool.” We had the right clothes, the right attitude, the right friends and we were “just cool.” As we age, being cool takes on new meaning. While we can still be stylish, it is important for seniors to monitor body temperature and stay cool. […]

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Boost Your Memory!

We live in a fast paced society these days where activity and technology swirl so fast around us that it is often difficult keep track of anything, much less everything. Many of us have the experience of walking into a room then wondering why we are there. Or we misplaced our keys or a bill […]

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Are You Emotionally Strong?

It is hard to look anywhere without being reminded of the importance of physical health. Our youth crazed culture shows magazines full of muscled men and women running, lifting weights, swimming and just being active. There really is nothing to match the feeling of strength and power and health.

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