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Medical Alert Resources

The Benefits Of Volunteering

When retirement rolls around, many seniors are unsure of what to do with all of their free time; as a caregiver or family member, it’s crucial that you help your elderly family member find ways to remain active and involved. Volunteering is a gratifying venue for many retired individuals as it gives them a way […]

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Eight Simple, Yet Elegant Holiday Décor Ideas

The Holidays are right around the corner, and we know you want to spruce up your home or apartment in festive ways. LifeFone has eight simple, yet elegant Holiday decor ideas for you.

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Celebrate Storytelling This Month

November is Family Stories Month. Family stories and traditions hold a special place in our hearts.  Thanksgiving and Christmas are generally a time for tradition, but, often in our fast-paced, on-the-go society, we aren’t as connected with our families as we used to be.  At LifeFone, we believe in keeping families connected.

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Four Fall Activities for Older Adults

There are many different reasons to look forward to the fall; the crisp autumn air, the glory of leaves changing colors, the sun still shining without the intense heat of summer days. With so many fall activities, you can easily fill up your days with them. At LifeFone, we have compiled a list of four […]

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Three Solutions To Ensure Safety At Home For Your Loved Ones

With the aging population living a more independent lifestyle, often as their loved one, you become concerned about their safety. Mom and dad feel comfortable in their home, and don’t want any outside interference, even from their family. However, as their child, you would like them to take precautions to ensure their safety at home.

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Five Lifestyle Trends In New Homes

Home design is constantly evolving as our society changes. In today’s plugged-in world, homeowners are looking for a place to unwind and spend time with family and friends. Many are also looking for a sense of community. And an increasingly aging population is also influencing how homes are designed. Here’s five lifestyle trends that are […]

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In-Home Doctor Visits Are Making A Comeback

In-home Doctor visits are making a comeback.  Today, doctors are bringing back the old practice of visiting patients in their homes. With in-home doctor visits, you may no longer have to go through what could be the stress and difficulty of getting to the doctor’s office.

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Four Ways To Be In Good Standing

The act of standing may have similar benefits as walking – standing improves posture and circulation, increases metabolism, and gently tones muscles in the core and legs while burning calories. There has also been a lot of discussion on the negative impact of a sedentary lifestyle. Research has shown that sitting for long periods of […]

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Tips For Caregivers And Social Media For Seniors

As a society, we have quickly become driven social media. As a caregiver, being aware of the pitfalls and the benefits of social media for seniors will help protect the privacy of your loved ones. At LifeFone, the physical safety of your loved one is our number one priority, but we also believe that their […]

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Planning Ahead For Natural Disasters

When the seasons change, it’s a good time to evaluate different precautions in and around your home like smoke detector batteries, flashlight batteries and being prepared for natural disasters. Not only is this good for you, but it’s also good to evaluate your loved ones’ plan of action in case of an emergency. Planning ahead […]

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