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Medical Alert Resources

Ten Important Questions To Ask A Medical Alert Company

There is no doubt there are many medical alert system providers available, and as with all services, there are some that are clearly better than others. Below is a list of questions you should ask any medical alert company when calling to inquire about purchasing such a device:

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Best Senior Discounts

You may not want to ask for senior discounts, especially if you are a “young” senior, but once you see some of the deals that are available, you are likely to reconsider. Many major brands and stores offer great incentives to adults as young as 50. To help get you started, LifeFone researched some of […]

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Senior Safety Tips And Advice

As we age, some individuals can become the target for a financial crime, identity theft, home break-in or some other scam.  Boomers raised in an era where being rude to a solicitor on the phone or door to door can actually put them in a more vulnerable position.  In some cases, those who would perpetrate a […]

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Robotic Pets For The Elderly

Pets make a great companion because they listen without passing judgment. They provide unconditional love and make seniors feel like they have something to nurture and provide care for.

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Spend Time Outside

Once summer rolls around, there is nothing better than spending time outside sitting in the shade, working in the garden or relaxing in the early morning or late afternoon sunshine. Summer weather is great for mental and physical well-bring and the sunshine just seems to make everyone feel better!

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Six Important Considerations Regarding Medical Alert System Providers

There is no doubt there are many medical alert system providers available, and as with all services, there are some that are clearly better than others. Below is a list of questions you should ask when calling to inquire about subscribing to such a device:

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Four Post-Retirement Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

Aging has its rewards. Your children have moved out and have families of their own. You can spend time with your grandchildren, and enjoy a quiet cup of coffee. If you are still working, you are looking forward to retirement, with plans to travel or maybe downsize to a smaller home. At LifeFone, we want you to be independent, and be able to do all the things you love in retirement. Here’s four post-retirement mistakes and how to avoid them.

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Natural Light is Good For You!

You may have seen the news about a study conducted by Cornell Professor Rana Zadeh. The study compared nurses working in two wards of an acute-care unit. While the working conditions were similar in terms of organization, environment and the type of patients they cared for, the significant difference was the availability of windows in the […]

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Understanding Why Your Relatives Want To Age At Home

You may sometimes wonder why your aging loved ones are being stubborn when it comes to wanting to age in place. When you consider the options available to your relatives as they age it simply seems easier to move them to assisted living than take care of the maintenance and upkeep on the family home. […]

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Three Characteristics of Centenarians

A growing number of Americans are living to age 100. Nationwide, the centenarian population has grown 65.8% over the past three decades, from 32,194 people who were age 100 or older in 1980 to 53,364 centenarians in 2010, according to new Census Bureau data. In contrast, the total population has increased 36.3 percent over the […]

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