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Medical Alert Resources

Five Areas Of Concern For Families With Aging Relatives

Remaining independent and aging in place is usually a goal for all adults. Being able to live in the family home and take care of the finances and other household chores is important for both mind and body for the aging senior and their adult children. There may come a time though when the adult […]

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Planning for a Natural Calamity

Winter weather is nearly gone which makes way for spring storm season. In recent years, storms have cost billions of dollars in recovery costs and have taken many lives.  In preparation for the upcoming season, FEMA recently released a document on disaster planning for the elderly, and all of us in general.

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Planning Your Daily Clock Around Your Body Clock

Are you aware of how your ‘daily clock’ i.e., the things you do every day, at certain times of the day, are affected by your body clock, or that you could plan your day more effectively when you listen to your body clock.  At LifeFone, we have some secrets that can help you take advantage […]

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How to Avoid Online Pharmacy Fraud

Medication can be a very costly expense, and as such it seems entirely practical for people to explore online pharmacies to compare prices and save money. While this tactic may be helpful most of the time, you and your elderly loved ones should be careful about what online pharmacies you put your trust in.

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Five Areas Of Concern For Families With Aging Relatives

Remaining independent and aging in place is usually a goal for all adults. Being able to live in the family home and take care of the finances and other household chores is important for both mind and body for the aging senior and their adult children. There may come a time though when the adult […]

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Four Steps To Prepare For Retirement

At LifeFone, we recognize that a happy and fulfilling retirement means different things to different people. It could be transitioning from a full-time career into meaningful part-time work. Or, perhaps you are looking forward to spending more time with your family, starting a garden, volunteering, or making regular trips to the golf course. Once you […]

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Making Decisions For Your Aging Parents’ Care

Your parents spent so many years caring for you and maybe even your children, but now the time has come for you to make decisions on their care. How do you make the decision on what is best for them? There are many items to take into consideration and many of the decisions you need to make […]

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Ten Important Questions To Ask A Medical Alert Company

There is no doubt there are many medical alert system providers available, and as with all services, there are some that are clearly better than others. Below is a list of questions you should ask any medical alert company when calling to inquire about purchasing such a device:

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Best Senior Discounts

You may not want to ask for senior discounts, especially if you are a “young” senior, but once you see some of the deals that are available, you are likely to reconsider. Many major brands and stores offer great incentives to adults as young as 50. To help get you started, LifeFone researched some of […]

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Senior Safety Tips And Advice

As we age, some individuals can become the target for a financial crime, identity theft, home break-in or some other scam.  Boomers raised in an era where being rude to a solicitor on the phone or door to door can actually put them in a more vulnerable position.  In some cases, those who would perpetrate a […]

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