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Vacationing With Your Aging Relatives

Remember all of those vacations your parents treated you to when you were growing up? If you’re in the “sandwich generation” you may now find yourself in the midst of caring for your own children as well as your parents.

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Helping Your Aging Relative To Remain Mobile

Statistically, elderly drivers are safer drivers than younger ones. Research finds that they wear seat belts, avoid the roads in inclement weather, avoid rush hour and overall drive fewer miles than most. That isn’t to say there aren’t risks that come with aging medications, reduced mobility and other medical conditions can all conspire to make […]

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Health And Nutrition Tips

There is so much information on the Internet, in magazines and given to you by friends and family about ways to stay healthy. How do you know what to believe or which advice to follow? First and foremost, before you start any fitness regime or change your diet, it’s always best to discuss it with […]

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Eight Tips To Make Holidays Enjoyable For The Seniors In Your Life

Along with the traditions of family gatherings and holiday meals, holidays tend to add to the stress a caregiver may feel. Holidays can lead to depression and feelings of isolation and loneliness for the seniors in your life. While loneliness and isolation can be year-round elements, holidays tend to amplify them.

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How a Heart Healthy Diet Impacts You and Your Loved One

Maintaining a healthy diet can significantly reduce you and your loved one’s risk of heart disease. Poor nutrition and deficiencies in the diet are detrimental to heart health. Choosing a heart conscious diet should center around decreasing saturated fat intake, reducing sodium levels and maintaining a healthy weight.

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Full Time Caregiving – Is It Time?

Determining if the time is right for your loved one to have full time caregiving can be difficult. The burden to make that decision usually falls upon family members to recognize the signs that their aging parents may need some help. At LIfeFone, we have some questions to help you make that determination.

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Healthy Exercise Habits

If you are a baby boomer, an age group defined by being born between 1946 and 1964, you are one of more than 74 million people across the country. Unfortunately, most of you have spent the last several decades sitting behind a desk, in your vehicle, on the phone, or other types of sedentary activities […]

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6 Habits That Can Contribute To Loss Of Brain Power 

It’s no secret, as we age, we begin to lose brain power. You may not realize it, but in some regards you could be adding to that loss. 

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Make The Most Of Your Doctor’s Visits

According to most, rushed when going to a doctor’s appointment seems to be the norm rather than an exception. Older adults especially may feel rushed and may hesitate to ask their doctor any questions other than for the medical issue at hand. Being unable to speak freely with your physician though can lead to health […]

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Preparing To Live To Be 100

The longer you live the more money you will have to spend, or conversely, the more money you should start saving now to prepare for living into your 100s. Modern medicine and the fact that many diseases and illnesses are able to be caught and even corrected early means that many of us are living […]

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