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Medical Alert Resources

What Should I Do With My House When I Can No Longer Take Care of It?

Seniors are often faced with one of the most emotional decisions in their lifetime. This is to stay in their current home, downsize to something more manageable, or move into a retirement community. There is no correct answer that fits every circumstance. If you find yourself in this situation, keep reading for a few basic […]

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Tackling More than One Chronic Illness

If you or someone in your life life struggles with a chronic illness, you know that managing it is no walk in the park. What if you suffer from more than one? Over two-thirds of Americans past the age of 65 suffer from two or more chronic conditions, which increases to three-fourths of the American […]

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Celebrate Your Heart

February might be the shortest month of the year but it certainly is full of national holidays ad traditions.  In December of 1963, President Lyndon Johnson issued a proclamation making February American Heart Month and the first celebration of this important health-awareness month took place in 1964! In his proclamation, Johnson wrote, “I urge the […]

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Four Signs To Gauge Your Loved Ones’ Health After The Holidays

The Holidays are behind us. It’s time to take a breath, and look forward to the new year.  As a caregiver, not only do you think about your health, but also the health of your loved one for whose care you are responsible.  As is often the case, the holiday season takes a toll on […]

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What Are Shingles?

If you ask your physician he will explain that shingles is a disease related to chicken pox and individuals that had chicken pox at some point in their lives are more prone to developing a case of shingles. The virus that causes chicken pox is also responsible for shingles. In many individuals, the virus for […]

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Successful Aging In Place Strategies

Aging is an inevitable fact of life. With aging comes the realization that we may be faced at some point with the inability to live independently. Whether making a move to an assisted living facility or moving into the home of a family member, aging-in-place is a dream that many seniors do not want to […]

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Can Home Automation Make Aging In Place A Reality?

Home automation may offer the aging relative in your life an opportunity to remain in his or her home for a longer period of time than may have been possible in the past. While home automation won’t address every issue that may arise, it can add to the safety factor in your relatives’ home. The […]

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Can Your Parents Live Independently?

There will likely come a time when your parents can no longer care for themselves and when it does, it’s a time filled with some difficult decisions. You will have to determine whether they can continue to age at home or if they need an assisted living facility. Taking their needs into consideration as much […]

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Advice to Help Your Parents Age In Place

When your parents are aging it’s a difficult time for everyone. One of the best gifts you can offer your parents is the opportunity for them to “age in place.”

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Five Facts For Maintaining Strong Bones

If you are involved in the well-being of your aging parent or a loved one, it’s important to recognize that people over the age of sixty are more prone to bone related injuries and disease increases. Approximately half of all women over the age of fifty, and approximately 1 in 4 men will break a […]

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