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Medical Alert Resources

PERS & Coronavirus Social Distancing

The coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis is in full effect and has taken most of the world by storm. Millions of Americans are engaged in responsible social distancing, and high-risk groups like seniors are advised to self quarantine altogether. But what can be done to ensure the general well being of aging adults who are now living […]

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Social Gatherings and Hearing Loss

Interacting with people when you have hearing loss can be very frustrating.  If you don’t have any hearing loss, it’s difficult to understand but it can be especially trying to attend social gathering, dinners, parties and other activities such as plays, church services and more.  In fact, for those without hearing loss it can be […]

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How To Thrive While Social Distancing

Social distancing is a new buzz-word in recent weeks.  It’s not a term, or a concept, that society is familiar with yet it’s something that needs to be embraced because we hear over and over again that creating distance between us and others is the best way to “flatten the curve” and slow down the […]

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Weathering Storms: Hints And Tips

When you consider that hurricane season can run for six months and snow storms for those in northern climates can last as long, it makes sense for families to plan for weather emergencies throughout the year. We all have so many items on our agendas when visiting and caring for aging relatives, that stocking cupboards […]

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Overcoming the Financial Challenges of Being a Senior Veteran

As an aging veteran, you may have found that you have unique challenges. From lingering health concerns from your service years to financial worries from starting a civilian career late in life, there are issues you might need to overcome after retirement. However, there are also perks of having served your country. In this article, […]

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The Importance of Getting Screened for Colon Cancer

Turning 50 signifies a very important milestone in your life. Not only have you reached the half century mark, you have also reached the age in which getting screened for colorectal cancer (colon cancer) at regular intervals is an absolute necessity.

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Why Active Seniors Are Healthier And Happier

March is a joyous month for people who love being outdoors and staying active. Not only does it signal the change to daylight savings time, but it also hosts the spring equinox. In other words, the days immediately get one hour longer and will continue the trend for the next several months!

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Understanding Your Cholesterol Levels

If you watch television for any length of time, chances are you have seen the cholesterol commercials that talk about your LDL and your HDL; good and bad cholesterol levels. High cholesterol can lead to heart attacks and strokes and because of that you will want to have your doctor check your levels. While you […]

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For Your Health’s Sake Get A Grip On Stress

Whether you’re a caregiver or the older adult in need of care, stress impacts everyone. Regardless of whether it’s work, family situations, finances, failing health or even a social situation, stress can lead to potentially harmful impacts on your mind and body. Not all stress is harmful, though, there are times when a stressful situation […]

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6 Steps To Prevent Bathroom Accidents And Injuries

Slips and falls in the home are the biggest cause of injury for adults over age 65, and when you factor in that more than 250,000 individuals suffer falls in the bathroom, it can be a dangerous place for the elderly.

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