June is National Safety Month
Observed annually in June, National Safety Month is sponsored by the National Safety Council. Each week has a different focus. At LifeFone, your safety is out number one priority. With that in mind, the National Safety Council breaks it down into several steps you can take to ensure your home and surrounding are safe.

One: Emergency Preparedness
Being prepared for an emergency of any kind can save you time. Emergencies can come in many different forms. Natural disasters like floods, fires, tornadoes, are all emergencies, and we recommend that you have a ‘go-bag’ set up and ready just for that. However, other emergencies, like a fall in your home, may be the type that you haven’t prepared for. Always have a list of important phone numbers available for anyone to find. For instance, on your refrigerator, your bedroom door, or any other place where people will look first. Also consider subscribing to an at-home and on-the-go medical alert system so that you have access to emergency services in the event you fall, are injured or have a medical emergency.
Two: Focus on Wellness
Wellness comes in different forms. Take time to examine your eating habits. You may find that you are not eating the right foods for you, or you are eating just right.
Exercise is another form of wellness. One doesn’t have to join a gym or train for a marathon to get good, quality exercise in. There are many forms of exercise that don’t require a gym, or pounding out a long distance run. Simple, yet effective things like walking, bike riding, gardening or even ironing can be considered exercise. With a bit of creativity, you may find you like to exercise. When your eating habits and exercise are in a good, healthy routine, your sleep pattern should naturally follow. Sleep is integral to your overall well-being. Make sure you are getting the right amount for you.
Three: Falls
Falls can lead to serious injury. You can break an ankle, hip, leg, or arm. When you go for a walk, make sure you have on the correct shoes for you. Make sure they fit your feet properly, and have good tread. Watch for any variations in curbs, or if you are on a trail, pay close attention to roots, twigs or other obstacles.
Falls in the home are also common. Make sure that you don’t have any electrical cords that are exposed that you could catch your foot on. Be careful that any area rugs are secure to the floor, with no upturned corners. If necessary, install handrails in your shower, or have a stool designed for the tub. Slips and falls in the bathroom can be life threatening.
Our medical alert system is waterproof so you can wear it in the shower and tub and can provide great peace of mind if you are concerned about falling.
Four: Driving
It cannot be overstated – don’t drive distracted. There’s no text message important enough to look at your phone. When you get to your destination the time to check your messages.
Be aware of your surroundings. If you are in an unfamiliar location, take time to look for your destination, even if it means slowing down below the speed limit. It’s safer to go more slowly, then to instantly hit the breaks and make a turn.
If you need glasses to see, wear them. If you have a hard time driving at night; don’t. Simple little steps can keep you safer when you are behind the wheel.
If you have any questions or want to discuss any of our medical alert devices that can keep you safe at home and on the go, give us a call at 1-800-882-2280. With one phone call, one of our friendly customer care representatives can help you select the right system for you.
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