Monitoring Your Aging Loved Ones Diet
As we age, food that once was a staple in our lives become less agreeable with our bodies. This is common as the changes that happen as we get older actually affect how our bodies process the foods we eat. As our metabolism slows down, the amount of calories and types of food we eat to maintain a healthy diet must change as well. What was once a great meal in your younger days may now be harder to digest and end up slowing you down and add to your weight.
What this means is that as we age it is even more important to monitor the food we eat and the amount of calories we take in. As a caregiver, it may be hard to ensure your loved one is getting the right nutrition in their daily meals but monitoring becomes extremely important. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends that seniors change their diet to include half fruits and vegetables in every meal and eliminate high sodium options.
The USDA also recommends that at least half of a seniors caloric intake come from whole grains including certain rice, breads, cereals and other whole grain substitutes like pasta that are packed with great nutritional value. Whole grains also help with the digestion system keeping the bowels working properly and help to reduce the risk of heart disease and other heart related issues.
Other important factors to remember when monitoring a diet include drinking plenty of water, eating healthy fats, and supplementing your vitamin D and calcium intake with over the counter vitamins. These all play a factor in staying healthy and fit as we age and will actually help keep the body hydrated and strong throughout your loved ones lifetime.
For more information visit the USDA website for facts about the senior diet and remember to always equip your aging love one with a medical alert device from Lifefone for those times when caregiving and monitoring is unavailable. Beyond keeping a healthy diet, having emergency care available at the push of a button is crucial when an emergency occurs and seconds count.