Medical Alert System For Seniors With Disabilities
A reliable medical alert system installed in the home of a loved one can make an incredible difference in their lives. In fact, it can be the difference between life and death for many of today’s seniors.
Each year, more seniors are living long lives in their own homes, but they often have multiple health problems or mobility issues that can turn into serious problems if they don’t have a reliable life line when they need help.
Seniors living alone run the risk of any number of problems, from a slip and fall accident to becoming disoriented if they fail to take their prescription medication properly. Unfortunately, once a senior falls because they have slipped or because they didn’t properly take a needed medicine, they often end up injuring their hip, which can lead to surgery, long recovery times, and even the necessity of a nursing home if they don’t fully recover.
How do you minimize the possibility of serious illness or even death if your loved one falls or is injured in their home? By providing your loved one with a reliable medical alert system that will call for help any time they fall or are ill. The American Medical Association and the New England Journal of Medicine have both noted a direct correlation between how long a person is injured without emergency personnel responding and survival rates. If a senior living alone is injured for less than an hour before emergency help arrives, his or her chances of survival are greater than 90%. Sadly, after just two hours the survival rate for seniors drops below 50%. If a senior living alone is unable to summon help for more than three hours, he or she has only a one in four chance of being found alive.
Fortunately, LifeFone is an inexpensive medical alert service that can give any senior outstanding protection twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. A senior citizen who has one of LifeFone’s medical alert devices can live independently without worry. A simple push of a help button is all it takes to contact the proper emergency services as well as family members or friends. Don’t let someone you love run the risk of being injured or seriously ill without someone knowing right away – LifeFone takes the worry away by calling for help as soon as an accident happens. The faster the response, the better your loved one’s chance of survival. Let LifeFone help to ensure the kind of rapid medical alert response that means a quick recovery and more independence for the senior in your life.