Making The Snowbird Trek
Depending on what geographical location you live, springtime can often be classified as “going home” season! The yearly flock of snowbirds from the southern states back to their respective northern state is in full swing.
When you change your home location you should always take your LifeFone medical alert system with you in order to stay protected!
Depending on what geographical location you live, springtime can often be classified as “going home” season! The yearly flock of snowbirds from the southern states back to their respective northern state is in full swing. If this relates to you or if it is something you are considering in the future, we have a few tips to help relieve stress when making that bi-yearly trek.
In order to relieve stress and facilitate the move as easily and safely as possible, the following steps can help keep you organized and create a streamline move. Here are a few things to consider:
- Are you going to be flying or driving? If flying how will you get around once you arrive at your destination? If driving, do you know the safest route? Remember, you won’t be the only snowbird heading north so you may want to allow for extra traffic and plan to arrive at certain big cities before or after rush hour.
- Closing up your winter home; do you have things in place in case something happens like a pipe bursts or the basement floods? Home watch is always a great choice, as you know your property will be safe in the event of an emergency.
- Packing can always become a challenge, especially if you are leaving for an extended period of time. Remember that shipping clothing or sporting equipment can make your drive that much more comfortable. If flying, be prepared to pay for extra baggage if you think you won’t hit the weight limits.
- Transferring your medical alert system to the new address is of the upmost importance. Because LifeFone’s medical alert system allows you to travel to new locations and then set it up, you will never be more than a push of your help button away from emergency response.
- Go to your local post office and get a change of address form or have your mail forwarded to your new address for the specified amount of time!
- Tell your friends and family where you will be, how long you will be there and what route you will take to get there. In case of an emergency, it’s always important that your loved ones know where you are.
- Get familiar with new location; once you get settled into your new location get familiar with it. Know where you’re going and the best route to get there will save time and frustration.
Following these simple steps can help relieve stress and make your trip back home more enjoyable! Remember, that having a LifeFone medical alert system that covers you when you travel from one home to the next is as important as anything. Being protected in the case of an emergency is invaluable!