Common Concerns When Hiring An In-Home Aid
As your loved ones age, their ability to live independently dwindles to the point where they may need daily help. This causes stress and creates the need for a caregiver to make decisions on what to do next. Choosing a home health aid may be the first step to creating peace of mind and safety for your aging loved one. That in itself is a great step but can cause stress in picking the right person for the job. Even with the security of a home health aid, a medical alert device adds extra protection for those times when no one is around.
To begin your in-home aid search, consider the following factors to make the best decision for you and your loved one:
- Is this the right decision?
Take into consideration your aging loved ones overall condition including their health, current environment and living situation and even their financial ability to afford everything that is needed to help your aging loved one live independently in their home. - Where to find a good aid?
Researching your local area should provide a good resource for finding the right home health aid to fit your needs. If your research comes back to no avail, try calling local agency that deals with retirement communities, nurse placements etc., they should be of great help. - How much will it cost?
Although Medicare does tend to cover most of the cost especially when a doctor has determined there is a need for it, there may be other costs associated with hiring an aid. Be sure to talk to your physician for a recommendation but know that without their orders the going rate is between $15 and $30 an hour or more depending on where you live. - Should we be monitoring the help we are receiving?
It’s always a great idea to monitor the help that your loved one receives by dropping by unannounced and going over their daily activities to ensure the proper assistance is being given. When you are not available ask a neighbor or friend to stop by to see how things are going. This should keep the care level to a standard that exceeds your expectations. - Getting your loved one to accept the help!
This may be the biggest issue to overcome as many elderly people dismiss the fact that they may be getting to the point that extra care is needed. Starting them off in the early stages with a medical alert device is a great way to get them accustomed to accepting help in the case of an emergency. Have your loved one test their LifeFone medical alert system at least once a month to ensure it is in proper working order and to make them comfortable with the system. This can be a first step toward adjusting their thinking when the time comes to hiring an in-home aid.
The hardest part is accepting that your loved ones are aging and that you may not be able to provide the constant help they need on a regular basis. Providing your loved one with the facts they need along with the help to keep them living independently will provide peace of mind for the family and friends involved.
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